Aren’t We All Just Baby Chicks Following a Mother Hen?

Because of where I live, I have the great fortune of being able to look out my window and see an abundance of roosters. And because of this abundance of roosters, undoubtedly, there are a number of baby chicks. These baby chicks don’t just wander aimlessly across the lawn looking for food or something to …

Misrepresenting the News: Infer-mation Overload

In a previous post, I talked about how the same news is reported from different perspectives. This post is about a blatant misrepresentation of fact. In the first line of this article, the author writes: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday that Al Jazeera is gaining more prominence in the U.S. because it …

Keith Olbermann joins ‘Independent’ News at Current TV

Earlier today, Keith Olbermann made his choice to join CurrentTV. Just about every news agency in the world has an opinion on this story and without a doubt, they are going to spin it every which way. The ‘facts’ of this story are that Olbermann has decided to join Current TV. He has also been …